And We Go To Oregon

A couple weeks ago I was browsing the internet for any food science jobs in Oregon or Washington-just because I was bored. On a whim, I decided to send my resume to a company in Boring, Oregon. They ended up calling me that day wanting an interview. I interviewed with them last Monday and they offered me the job today. We decided to accept the offer. We will be moving next Wednesday. We have to continue paying for our apartment here until someone moves in so if you know anyone in Provo that wants a nice, two bedroom apartment, let us know!

A little about the job...I will be working for a company called Ever Fresh Fruit Company. They process apples as well as make other products such as yogurt and ice cream base. My official job title will be a Quality Assurance Technician. My job will be to check the equipment for cleanliness when I arrive, check the ingredients to make sure they are portioned out correctly, and take samples and test them throughout the day to make sure that they are quality products. It is a small company and seems like a good place to work.

I am grateful that we will finally have a full time job as well as the chance to gain some experience with my degree in case I ever want/need to work in the future. However, I am sad to leave all of our family and friends in Utah.

Madeline's Newest Trick

So we returned home from spending a week on the lake with Amy's family on Saturday. While we were there, we had hoped that Madeline would do something new for the family since she was so spoiled the entire time. Sadly, no such luck; however, within a couple of hours of returning home, she decided to mix things up for us.

Amy and I had set her down on a blanket in the front room and went back to our bedroom to unpack a bit. We returned a few minutes later and found Madeline on her stomach. After checking with each other to make sure the other had not put her in the position, we put her back on her back to see if she would turn over again. She did, and here is the video we took of it.

Sadly, I was not able to get a video where she starts solidly from her back, but we promise she really did (as a note to the video, please ignore the talking done by the parents, we are still not used to these pictures with sound). We have found that things are more difficult now that Madeline is able to roll over; it is harder to feed, change, and dress her.

Perhaps the only issue we have with this development is that she does not like being on her stomach for long after she gets there; this, coupled with the fact she cannot move from stomach to back means that she starts crying every few minutes when we lay her down. Amy and I are hoping that she soon figures out how to reverse the process.

Out of the Mouth of Babes

So Amy has told me, and I agree, that she is shouldering too much of the blogging weight, so I suppose that it is my turn to post.

Amy and I have been waiting for Madeline to start laughing; while she gives us an occasional chuckle, she has not yet decided she is ready for laughter. Instead, she has started to babble quite a bit. This past week especially, she has been very talkative at night. On Tuesday Amy went to a Relief Society activity so I got to spend some one on one time with Madeline that I am sure she will remember for the rest of her life. She spent almost a full hour standing on my stomach "talking" to me. I decided that I should get a video of her in action, so here it is.

We think she is adorable; we just can't wait until she starts to talk and laugh for real. And yes, at the end of the video when it looks like she is falling forward, she is...and ended face-planted in my chest.

Madeline's New Hobby

So...this week has been another camera happy week. I've taken about 50 pictures of Madeline. It's kind of ridiculous but oh well. Some day she will be older and will hate having her picture taken.

Madeline has a new hobby. She has been pretty fussy this week and I can't tell what is wrong. I decided today that maybe she is just bored. I took some yarn and tied some of her toys to my broom and set it up for her to play with. She has started hitting and grabbing the toys. It's pretty cute because every time she hits a toy hard she gets so excited. So far it has entertained her for a while both yesterday and today.

I absolutely love the next two pictures. I am normally opposed to naked baby pictures but I LOVE these. I think that they are among my favorites of Madeline so far.

Madeline's Stats

Madeline had her two month check-up today (even though she is really 2 1/2 months). She didn't do very well during the appointment. She cried pretty much the whole time. She got three shots and had a drink vaccine. The doctor said that she was very healthy. Here are her stats...

Weight: 13.21 lbs (84.7 percentile)
Height: 24.25 inches (90.55 percentile)
Head Circumference: 15.5 inches (45.62 percentile)

We knew before she was born that she would be a tall girl but apparently she has a pretty small head for her body...not bad small though. I guess she doesn't take after her Uncle Jeremy.

I was worried she would just cry the rest of the day but she was pretty happy when we got home. Here she is with her band-aids.