1. Carrying High or Low
The Test: If you are carrying high: girl. If you are carrying low: boy.
The Result: GIRL. I guess. I am not very big yet but all the woman at work say I am carrying high because I can still wear normal jeans. I think that maybe my jeans are just lower cut than theirs used to be.
2. Fetal Heart Rate
The Test: If the heat rate is above 140: girl. The the rate is below 140: boy.
The Result: GIRL. It was 160.
3. Cravings
The Test: If you are craving sweet stuff: girl. Salty/savory: boy.
The Result: BOY. I don't know. I don't really have cravings but I am wanting less sweets than usual - however - I think I may get my fill at work.
4. Chinese Birth Chart
The Test: Follow the chart.
The Result: BOY.
5. Complexion
The Test: If your face is breaking out: girl. If it smooth and clean: boy.
The Result: GIRL. Why can't this one be boy?!
6. Morning Sickness
The Test: Sick: girl. Not sick: boy
The Result: BOY. Thank goodness! This pregnancy has been so much better.
Overall result: split 3/3. So who knows?!
What do I think I am having? My gut says BOY, mostly because this pregnancy has been so different. I read one place that women who were pregnant and had no previous knowledge of the gender guessed the right gender 71% of the time. I knew Madeline was a girl. Maybe my instinct will be right again.
Whatever is in there, boy or girl, we are very excited and will let you know May 31!
What do you think? BOY or GIRL?