Fall Fun

We have tried to get out a few more times while the weather is still nice. Here's what we have been up to lately...

Madeline got new boots for the rain. She LOVES them!

We went to a place near Woodland called Lava Canyon for Labor Day weekend. We went on a small hike and ate dinner. Madeline was living the high life eating a cookie and riding on daddy's shoulders during the hike.

Two weeks ago we went up to the Mt. St. Helens visitors centers for the day. It was a beautiful day and turned out to be free national parks day so we didn't have to pay! For those who don't know, Mt. St. Helens overlooks Woodland. It is a volcano and it erupted in May of 1980. There are several visitor's centers where you can learn about the event and the mountain. This is the best view of the damage.

Ian and Madeline were showing their "stick out their tongues" face.

On Tuesday we went to the zoo. Again, it was a beautiful day! (We have to point those out here in the northwest because it started raining this weekend and probably won't stop until July.) Madeline really liked seeing all of the animals and walking around outside.

Here is Madeline and Ian checking out the map - deciding where to go next.

This picture is Madeline looking at the chickens. They were her FAVORITE! She sat there and watched them for more than 5 minutes and was bawking at them. When we pulled her away she threw a huge tantrum. Ian pointed out that if we had known that she would love the chickens the best, we would have just walked down the street to see them, not paid to go to the zoo. Oh well.

At the end Madeline just crashed. It had been a long, fun day.

It's been a good fall so far. We will try to be better at keeping the blog updated!